

brewed an esb today and we are planning to pitch a coffee porter on the left over yeast cake next week. the brew session went pretty good but we were either over efficient or condensed the wort too much. we were shooting for an og around 1.056 but ended up at 1.066. the last couple batches we've had pretty high fg's which is either related to mash temps or lack of yeast. usually when we brew we have some other beer project going on at the same time, today we were strictly focused on hitting our mash temp of 152 dead on, and we nailed it. and kris made a couple starters to make sure we had plenty of healthy yeast. we did hit one potential problem, when filling the fermentation buckets a hot pad fell into one of the buckets but with any luck it will still turn out.

esb / coffee porter

checking grain temp

checking mash temp

4oz willamette, 4oz goldings



baker's tap

  • NZ pale ale (?.?%abv)
  • kimosabe red (5.5%abv)
  • [primary] bunch of mead and cider
  • [secondary] bunch more mead and cider

merrill's tap

  • fender tremelo (7.1%abv)
  • gibson rickenbacker (6.49%abv)
  • IPA (6.7% abv)
  • {nitro} McFricker Stout (5.5%abv)
  • [secondary] merrill's hard cider
  • [gettin' sour] derBrynnerweisse

in the ferminator

  • nothingmaker :( (og0.000)

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